- Market analysis; market research; client, competition, and business analysis; interpretation of data
- Target group analysis, Sinus milieus, and trends (part of the following)
- Market strategies in a broader context
- Mix of marketing tools: 4 P’s, 7 P’s, and 4 C’s
- Factors of market success and advantages of competition
- Finding USP and UCP and strategic planning
- Organizing marketing within the business
- Developing a marketing plan
- Planning and implementing cross-channel marketing
Workshop: Case Study—Strategic marketing plan and positioning
- Combining offline and online marketing
- Big data marketing—what can be done
- Viral marketing—how to become viral
- Low-budget marketing—successful and affordable marketing
- Guerilla marketing and buzz marketing
- Retro-marketing and reverse psychology
- Online marketing trends—where to go from here
- From one-on-one to multi-channel marketing
- Innate elements, essence, and value of a brand
- Positioning a brand
- Brand presentation and brand communication
- Brand and customer value
- What does the value of a brand mean for a company and its customers
- Essence, value, and personality of a brand
- Brand advocacy online
- Custom-made concepts for brands
- Business branding, product branding, trademarks
- Brand design: name, logo, packaging
- Visual message of a brand
- Brand control and measuring
- Case Studies: the power of a strong brand
- Building and using a customer database
- Lifecycle management
- Analytical CRM
- Operative CRM
- Integrated CRM solutions
- The 4 pillars of lead management: process, communication, tools, methodology
- Marketing automation:
- Databases, web controls, communication, workflows, CRM synchronization—all in one
- Target groups in modern digital marketing
- Lifecycles, progressive profiling, lead nurturing, and lead scoring
- Adjusting marketing automation and lead management to content architecture
- Marketing automation and lead management as part of marketing technology
- Planning perspectives for control and tasks
- Strategic marketing control tools
- Ecoscopic and demoscopic market analyses
- GAP analysis for early recognition of needed strategy change
- Learning-curve analysis—discover resources
- Product and customer life cycles—analyses for a marketing mix
- Portfolio analysis for competition
- SWOT analysis
- Operative control tools in marketing
- ABC analyses for success-oriented marketing
- Basis for decision-making: profit and sales statistics
- Profit and cost control based on full cost accounting
- Contribution margin and break-even analysis
- Break-even point analysis as a tool to calculate sales, price, and cost
- Expanded ROI analysis
- Activity accounting and time management to lower administrative marketing costs
- Signs of effective sales, distribution, and logistics control
- Performance characteristics and signs of media planning
- Success models for pre- and post-tests to judge effectiveness
- Balanced score card to include qualitative success factors
- Planning methods
- Top down
- Bottom up
- Against the flow
- Zero base budgeting
- Prognosis, forecast, projection—periodical or continuous
- Tactical budgeting and operative budgeting
- Marketing budget in relation to sales, profit, workforce, and liquidity
- Setting up the finances of a marketing campaign
- Daily, monthly, or quarterly
- Based on sales
- Based on region
- Based on leads
- Based on likes
- Based on desired market position
- IT-supported budgeting
- Expectation of a software solution
- Overview of software solutions
Workshop: Planning and budgeting for an online marketing campaign
- Limbic positioning of products
- Neuro-economical positioning in marketing
- Emotional data processing
- Emotions research: responses, body language, movement, reactions
- Introduction to neuro-marketing
- Structure and important areas of the brain
- New discoveries of brain research
- The role of the subconscious
- Emotional and cognitive systems
- The emotions system: stimulation, balance, and dominance
- Limbic system and limbic structures
- Somatic markers, base emotions, and motives
- Emotion, motive, and reward models
- Limbic types
- Neuro-dual marketing
- Multi-sensors in marketing
- Sublime influence
- Language and image as part of a purchase decision
- Mirror neurons as basis for communication
- “Nucleus accumbens” vs. control systems, memory, and experience
- Benchmarking: successful methods of neuro-marketing
- Neuro-marketing: from product optimization to tactical media planning
- Neuro pricing
- Neuro advertising
- Brand sense
- Marketing communication and media planning
- Media choice and assessment
- Communication and marketing tools
- Marketing media and channels
- Media choice and weighing the media mix; spatial integration of all measures
- Maximum reach without overlap
- Permission marketing, one-on-one marketing
- Event marketing, public relations 3.0, scene marketing
- Marketing response, direct marketing
- Corporate identity: corporate communication and design
- Success factors for internal communication
- Areas of digital marketing
- Communication within social media
- e-commerce and online sales
- Brands in a digital world
- Online advertisement
- Content marketing management
- Social media management
- Social monitoring, ROI in social marketing
- Online reputation management
- Forums and blogs
- Mobile device marketing
- Search engine marketing management and AdWords (SEA)
- Elements of on-page optimization
- Basics of off-page optimization
- Search engine optimization
- AdWords and AdWords strategies
- Newsletter marketing
- Affiliate marketing
- Display ads and performance marketing
- Neuro-marketing within online marketing
- Ad formats and special ad formats
- Viral marketing, e-coupons, online guerilla ads
- Website expectations
- Web analytics
- The basics: spider, robots, crawler, PageRank
- Logfile analysis of traffic and behavior of visitors
- PageRank, AlexaRank, BlockRank
- Keyword analysis and keyword databases
- Link check—finding errors and establish value
- Link change and back link checker
- html optimization and source text condensing
- Domain popularity
- Usability test
- Visual analytics
- Proven tools from back links to tutorials
- Usability as a basic condition and guarantor for success
Workshop: Evaluation of personal website
The order and amount of each topic can be adjusted, depending on the size and dynamic of each group. This optimizes the ability to turn theory into practical applications.
Today, the number one factor for success is marketing. Companies that can distinguish themselves from their competition are successful companies. But only those that listen closely to their customers and delight them with innovative ideas can be continually successful. Only those that base their decisions unerringly on their customers’ choices can be one step ahead in a field of products and services that grow more and more similar.
The basis for success is a manager who has the complete marketing process in mind. Markets, target groups, customer wishes, competition, as well as rights and political influences have to be found and considered. But even this is not enough for true success! Today, marketing managers not only have to bring a solid understanding of the basics, but also know the newest additional trends, like brand democratization, crowd sourcing, mass customization, social marketing, content marketing, and mobile marketing. All have to be integrated into successful strategies. They have to recognize new trends, evaluate them, and use them for the success of their companies.
The responsibilities of a marketing manager change faster than ever before. A global economy, new channels for communication and sales, the ability to quickly and easily compare products and services: only those who understand the new disciplines of marketing as well as traditional ones can successfully manage marketing. A Certified Marketing Manager (FH) degree offers you the chance to gain the latest knowledge. The cooperation of the Munich academy of marketing and the FH Oberoesterreich ensures an ideal combination of hands-on experience and theoretical quality.
From the latest state of marketing research to the subtleties of the latest online strategies, you will learn what you need to make your business stand out! Renowned teachers and leading consultants share expert knowledge, the latest trends, and the latest developments. Using best practices and state-of-the-art examples, you will learn successful strategies and proven methods and analyze the tools needed to provide important impulses to your everyday work.
Maximum practical relevance will be taught and supported using group work, presentations, and discussions. Efficient and intensive: Content will be presented in depth and in a compact format spread over 5 days. They aim to support the exchange of ideas and experience with teachers and students from different fields, which provides innovative input and food for thought that can help you find success in marketing.
This training course follows the principles of Marketing-House©.
Folgende Vorteile erwarten Sie
Proven expert knowledge, reliable tools and methods, the latest trends in marketing practice and theory. With a Certified Marketing Manager (FH) degree you gain the competency to bring new impulses to a business’ marketing department and lead all marketing activities from beginning to end. The cooperation with the FH Oberoesterreich ensures that the certificate is accepted worldwide:
- Newest trends and developments marketing
- Marketing tools in a changing world
- Successful marketing strategies and brand development
- Strategies for cost policies and cost management
- Marketing controls to gain success
- Integrating communications and multi-channel management
- Value-focused marketing and efficient client interactions
- Integrating e- and m-marketing into social media marketing
- Long-term client retaining through social media programs
- Managing customer lifetime values through social media
Das Seminar richtet sich an
Are you already working in the field of marketing and want to refresh your skills? Are you working in product management or communications and want to expand your expertise to include marketing? Are you looking to bring innovative strategies to your business to ensure its future success or are looking to find new challenges in marketing? With a certified degree from the Munich academy of marketing, you gain the competencies for a successful career in marketing
- Leaders and managers of marketing departments
- Business leaders and owners
- Online marketing managers and product managers
- Members of sales departments
- Leaders in product and brand management
- Leaders in communications (internal and external)
- Leaders in public relations and advertisement agencies
- Those looking to switch careers who need a quick introduction to and timely, hands-on instructions in marketing
- Anyone working in the service and trade industries, as well as B2C and B2B
Methoden, Ablauf
A compact training course that uses theory and practical application to address the complete thought processes and actions of marketing management:
- Use of lecture and real-life examples to present knowledge
- Use of case studies to work towards solving concrete problems; results will be presented and analyzed
- Student-oriented discussions to integrate existing and newly gained knowledge
- Development of a marketing concept that follows the “Marketing-House” process developed by MMA
Working and presenting in groups supports an interactive training course. You will profit from the experience of both your coach and fellow students who all have differing backgrounds.
Our training courses are led by experienced coaches who have practical knowledge of the subject matter. You will profit not only from their work experience, but also from their ability to convey their knowledge to you in a structured and interactive way.
Our small group sizes guarantees that each participant profits from intensive and focused working groups.
Groups range from 3 to 12 people. One-on-one coaching is available.
Das Seminar beinhaltet folgende Leistungen
Live vor Ort
- Training von 09.30 bis 17.30 Uhr, inkl. der nötigen Arbeitsunterlagen
- Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, Empfehlungen und Literaturangaben
- Studien, Tabellen, Listen, E-Books, Skripte, als Link zum Download
- Aufnahme in Alumnidatenbank (Kontakte, Studien, Cases, Links)
- Frühstück (Obst, Müsli, Joghurt), Mittagessen, Kaffee, Tee, Erfrischungsgetränke und Gebäck
- Hotelservice (Empfehlung)
- Internetservice (WLAN, Leih-Laptop, E-Mails), optional
- Veranstaltungsservice (Events, Restaurant, Konzerte), optional
Live online tagsüber
- Training von 09.30 bis 17.30 Uhr, inkl. der nötigen Arbeitsunterlagen
- Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, Empfehlungen und Literaturangaben
- Studien, Tabellen, Listen, E-Books, Skripte als Link zum Download
- Aufnahme in Alumnidatenbank (Kontakte, Studien, Cases, Links)
- Aufzeichnung des Seminars als Download
Certified Marketing Manager (FH)
Mit unseren Praxis-Lehrgängen und Praxis-Weiterbildungen erhalten Sie als Teilnehmer ein akkreditiertes Hochschul-Zertifikat von der Allensbach Hochschule. Darüber hinaus wird Ihnen zusätzlich von der Münchner Marketing Akademie das Zertifikat „Certified Marketing Manager (FH)“ übergeben. Sie erhalten es zeitnah nach dem Abschluss des Trainings. Wir bauen keinen Prüfungsstress auf, sondern honorieren Ihre Mitarbeit und Ihre Beiträge in den Fallstudien und Workshops. Ihr Qualifikations-Check besteht in der praktischen Umsetzung des Gehörten während des Lehrgangs. Unser Ziel ist es, dass Sie den Lehrgang mit erprobtem Wissen abschließen und sich mit frischem Enthusiasmus neuen Aufgaben stellen.
Mit dem Zertifikat der Allensbach Hochschule erhalten Sie einen hochwertigen Qualifizierungsnachweis von einer der größten und forschungsstärksten Fachhochschule Europas. Die Authorisierung dieser Bildungseinrichtung durch die anspruchsvollen Vorschriften des zentralen Bildungssystems verschafft Ihrem Zertifikat weltweite Anerkennung. Sie können sehr gerne, den bekannten und reputativen Namen "Certified Marketing Manager (FH)" führen.
Mit einem Zertifikat der Münchner Marketing Akademie erhalten Sie nicht nur einen fachlich anerkannten Qualifizierungsnachweis, sondern auch ein Dokument, welches in der Praxis hohe Anerkennung und Reputation erfährt. Jeder unserer Dozenten und Trainer verfügt über die erforderlichen Bildungsabschlüsse und Befähigungsnachweise sowie zusätzliche Qualifikationen. Wir leisten mehr als das Übliche. Unsere Bildungseinrichtung ist Mitglied des MedienCampus Bayern e. V., dem von der Staatsregierung getragenen Dachverband für die Medienaus- und -fortbildung in Bayern. Unsere Bildungskonzepte sind durch die Mitarbeit in der ARGE ProEthik geprägt.
In Erfüllung der Maßgaben und zum dezidierten Nachweis Ihrer erworbenen Qualifikation sind die Bildungsinhalte in Ihrem Nachweis „Certified Marketing Manager (FH)“ explizit ausgewiesen.
Sie umfassen das komplette Anforderungsprofil vom Aufbau des Online-Marktes, seiner spezifischen Sales-Marketingkommunikation und -strategien sowie deren Vertiefung hinsichtlich Leadgenerierung wie Verbindung zum Offline-Markt gleichermaßen.
Ihr Zertifikat „Certified Marketing Manager (FH)“ ist für Unternehmensführer, Behördenleiter oder Personalchefs ein Kompetenznachweis auf hohem Niveau. Zudem profitieren Sie von dem vorzüglichen Ruf der Allensbach Hochschule und der Münchner Marketing Akademie in der Wirtschaft, bei Verbänden und bei Verwaltungen.