- The world of online marketing—red hot
- Conceptual and planned approach when designing Internet marketing, from analysis, goals, and measures to implementation and success testing.
- Offline and online marketing—coordination and reconcilement using a cross-media campaign as an example to show the goal of a useful convergence of different media
- Website and e-commerce marketing (benchmarking)
- e-mail marketing and newsletter (course of action and studies)
- Permission marketing within e-mail marketing
- Design rules of direct marketing, as used in e-mail marketing
- e-CRM and measures of focused customer retention and appeal within heterogenic customer groups (multi- and cross-channel marketing)
- Search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO)
- Plan of action to realize search engine marketing
- Google ads campaigns and online advertisement, from planning to design of means of promotion
- Display ads: the renaissance of the banner
- iAD: iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices as means of advertisement
- Social media and social networks as strategic tools
- Strategic building of Facebook marketing, fan pages, groups, postings, CPC ads within the Facebook network
- XING as sales tool and image generator
- Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, blogging, vlogging, clouds, Wikis, social bookmarking
- Solutions for managing advertisement: open ad stream server and open advertiser (management tools on the web)
- Terms and connections of the art and psychology of advertisement, used for online ad formats
- Affiliate programs—virtual sales partners
- Online research, search archives, and online questionnaires as part of market and marketing research
- Roots of viral and mosquito marketing as part of internet marketing
- Content is king: content for websites
- Additional tools: online PR, online sponsoring, e-couponing, and web promotions
- Measuring success online: measures and possibilities of marketing and web controls. In the spirit of performance marketing, all internet marketing tools will be examined and graded for possible usage in different areas
- Logfile analysis and service statistics: classification and connections as they relate to individual goals and their measurement in marketing
- Overview of relevant solutions and solution providers: relevant knowledge about internet programming and TCP/IP basics will be taught in addition
For entrepreneurs and leaders in marketing, an Internet presence has become the absolute center of a marketing plan. A website with its content, bonus value, functions, and interactions is a target-group-oriented marketing platform for all modern businesses. Every marketing department concerns itself with the following 5 questions:
- What can and should we offer our target audience using the Internet and our company’s profile?
- How can we bring new visitors and clients to our website?
- How can we tie existing customers to our business with new possibilities and events?
- What type of cooperation and alliance will increase the success of our business?
- How can our business work on social media and in social networks?
This seminar incorporates internet marketing into the overall marketing plan and presents integrated marketing possibilities. We introduce a complete internet marketing concept by building on the phases of planning: analysis, strategies, goal setting, measures, and the following measures of success.
Internet marketing tools will be tested. We introduce and discuss the following measures: website marketing, e-commerce marketing, e-mail marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), AdWords campaigns, online advertisement, affiliate programs, online sponsoring, online PR, online questionnaires, online market and customer research, viral and mosquito marketing, as well as social media and social networks. All tools will be introduced using hands-on measures and in conjunction with a complete concept. We will look at how each tool works and how its specific, individual goal setting works in relation to cost. Afterwards, we compare all online marketing tools and discuss strengths, weaknesses, and synergies of combined tool usage.
In order to evaluate each measure with performance marketing in mind, we introduce use, methods, and classification codes of online and web controls. We use examples, calculations, and classification codes to show tool use and tie it to marketing success that can be quantified. Case studies that use online benchmarking are also discussed.
We make time for media planning in online advertisement and other marketing tools of online communication and compare the building and content of online media plans with those for print and TV. We end this part of the seminar with online ad carriers, media data, user structures, reach data, receipt and deduction tallies, and cost data. We also focus on the technical details of online management consoles and ad server technologies.
The creative part of the seminar focuses on advertisement creation and guidelines. Here, we discuss the impact of banner and special ad formats and apply the rules and experience of advertisement and psychology to online marketing tools. Studies and samples show critical factors of success.
This seminar teaches you everything around and about internet marketing, so that you can bring goal-oriented knowledge to your job that will help you grow and improve online marketing.
This training course follows the principles of Marketing-House©.
Folgende Vorteile erwarten Sie
- Conceptual and integrated start to internet marketing
- Application and effectiveness of individual internet marketing tools
- Search engine marketing (SEM and SEO) in detail
- Social media and social networking as strategic part of communication
- Application of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 tools
- Media planning and advertisement creation for online ads, online sponsoring, AdWords campaigns, and affiliate programs
- Classification, benchmarking, process and methods of web controlling, plus related context
- Technical details and terms specifically for commerce employees
Das Seminar richtet sich an
- Business leaders and owners
- Leaders in marketing and sales
- Marketing, ad, and sales team members
- Consultants and strategists
- Website and e-commerce managers and leaders
- Online and ad agencies
- Those working in IT who want to learn about the commercial aspects of online marketing to better work with the marketing teams and on marketing projects
Methoden, Ablauf
Ein intensiver Kompakt-Lehrgang, der Theorie und Praxis verbindet und eine ganzheitliche Denk- und Handlungsweise im Marketing-Management vermittelt.
- Fachwissen: Vermittlung durch Vorträge und praxisnahe Beispiele.
- Case Studies: Lösungen für konkrete Aufgabenstellungen werden gemeinsam erarbeitet, analysiert und präsentiert.
- Interaktive Elemente: Diskussionen und Erfahrungsaustausch sind wesentliche Bestandteile des Programms.
- Praxisprojekt: Entwicklung eines eigenen Marketing-Konzepts basierend auf dem "Marketing-House Process" der MMA.
Gruppenarbeiten und Präsentationen fördern den interaktiven Ablauf und den Austausch von Erfahrungen mit Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Branchen sowie mit den praxisorientierten Vortragenden.
Die Inhalte werden von erfahrenen Praktikern und Spezialisten vermittelt. Die Referenten kombinieren fundierte Fachkompetenz und langjährige Erfahrung mit methodischen und didaktischen Fähigkeiten, um das Wissen strukturiert und praxisnah zu vermitteln.
Vorteile der begrenzten Teilnehmerzahl
Die begrenzte Gruppengröße garantiert ein intensives, interaktives Arbeiten und eine individuelle Betreuung.
Das Seminar beinhaltet folgende Leistungen
Live vor Ort
- Zeiten: Training von 09:30 bis 17:30 Uhr, inkl. aller notwendigen Arbeitsunterlagen.
- Materialien: Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, ggf. mit Empfehlungen, Studien, Tabellen, und Listen
- Netzwerk: Aufnahme in die Alumnidatenbank mit Zugang zu Kontakten
- Verpflegung: Mittagessen (a la card), Kaffee, Tee, Erfrischungsgetränke und Gebäck.
- Serviceangebote:
- Hotelservice (Empfehlungen)
- Internetservice (WLAN)
- Veranstaltungsservice (Events, Restaurantbuchungen, Konzerte, optional)
Live online
- Zeiten: Training von 09:30 bis 17:30 Uhr, inkl. aller notwendigen Arbeitsunterlagen.
- Materialien: Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, Empfehlungen ggf. Studien, Tabellen, und Listen
- Netzwerk: Aufnahme in die Alumnidatenbank mit Zugang zu Kontakten, Studien und Cases.
- Technische Exzellenz: Die Seminare werden in Studioqualität übertragen. Ein hochmodernes TV-Studio mit professionellen Kameras, Greenscreens, Licht- und Tontechnik sowie einer erfahrenen Regieeinheit garantiert gestochen scharfe Bild- und Tonqualität. Ab acht Teilnehmern werden die Seminare direkt aus dem Studige sendet, wodurch ein exklusives Lernerlebnis entsteht. Auch für kleinere Gruppen wird mit hochwertigen Kameras und Mikrofonen eine erstklassige Präsentation sichergestellt.
- Aufzeichnung: Zugang zur Seminaraufzeichnung als Download (auf Anfrage und Freigabe)
You complete our training with a “Online Marketing with Search Engines” certificate issued by the Munich academy of marketing.
In order to receive this documentation, you are expected to attend the seminar and participate actively, as observed by our coaches and proven by your work on the case studies.
With a certificate issued by the Munich academy of marketing, you can prove not only your qualification but also hold a highly recognized document that with an excellent reputation. Each one of our trainers and coaches holds the required qualifications and is an expert in his or her field. But we bring even more to the table. The Munich academy of marketing is a member of MedienCampus Bayern e.V., which is a federally recognized organization for those working in media. The concepts of our training are modeled after ARGE ProEthik guidelines.
In accordance to federal guidelines and to prove your specific qualifications, the topics of our training are listed point by point on your certificate issued by the Munich academy of marketing.
- Online marketing today: concepts, planning, and best practices of internet marketing / analysis, goals, measures, and measures of success
- Offline and online marketing: coordination and reconcilement, cross-media campaigns, useful convergence of different media
- Customer orientation: e-CRM, customer retention and customer appeal in heterogenous customer groups (multi- and cross-channel marketing)
- Online marketing tools: website and e-commerce marketing (benchmarking), affiliates, viral marketing, display ads, content
- e-mail marketing/newsletters: implementation and studies, permission marketing, direct marketing as used in e-mail marketing
- Search engine marketing: search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), AdWord campaigns
- Advertisement management: open ad-stream server and open advertiser (management consoles online)
- Social media marketing: Facebook fan pages, groups, postings, strategic buildup of CPC ads within the Facebook network, XING
- Web 2.0 and Web 3.0: blogging, vlogging, clouds, Wikis, social bookmarking, open ad stream server and open advertiser
- Mobile devices: iAD – iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices as ad carriers
- Additional tools: online PR, online sponsoring, e-couponing, and web promotions
- Success measures online: marketing and web controls, logfile analyses, and server statistics, programming, and basics of TCP/IP
Based on the listed focus of our content on your certificate, owners, team leaders, and human resources can quickly see that you have the in-depth qualifications to handle online marketing with a focus on search engines. This is combined with the excellent reputation that the Munich academy of marketing enjoys across industry, associations, and administrations.