- Customer evolution: from traditional consumer to social customer
- Power shift from company to customer
- Brand ambassadors and influencers
- Digital revolution
Definition and overview of German businesses
- Introduction to social media marketing
- Social media in numbers
- Social media usage in German businesses
Goals of social media usage for companies
- Social CRM: customer relations 2.0
- Crowd sourcing: the crowd as driver of innovation
- Winning new target groups
- Creating market experiences: positive brand creation
Strategic integration of social media channels into the existing marketing mix
- Introduction to the most popular platforms (Facebook, X, YouTube, Xing, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Reddit, Jodel, etc.)
- Relevancy assessment based on target group analyses
- Meeting and interacting with the right target group
Roadmap for presence
- Increased reach & growth hacking
- Resource and implementation planning
- Overview of Facebook features
- Creating the right post for each platform
- Hashtags, keywords, links, and other special features
- Guidelines and regulatory requirements
- Content, format, and time integration into the marketing mix
- Resource and implementation planning
- Social media governance (Code of Conduct for all employees)
- The Golden Rules of social media
- Reputation management
- Best cases—learn from the best
- Setting up a fan page and connecting to business manager
- Facebook ad accounts
- Business manager features overview
- Setting up and analyzing a Facebook campaign
- Creating a content strategy
- Content curation and third-party content
- Viral content
- Social media management tools
- Creative tools
- Monitoring tools
- Image and video databases
- Monitoring success
- Defining and measuring relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- The new Return on Investment (ROI)
- Where can I find the latest information? How do I stay up to date?
- Trend spotting (What are the latest social media trends? Which channels should I monitor now already?)
The social media revolution that the Internet has enabled is comparably only with the spreading of the Internet in the Nineties. Social media means a completely new dimension of social communication and requires marketing that is built on basics that are completely different from traditional strategies. Surprisingly (despite more than 20 years of online activity), most companies look at the phenomenon of social media as critically and irritatingly as they used to look at the World Wide Web. Long ago, TV ads looked to explain: “We have to go online,” said a top manager sitting at a computer to his coworker. “Why” “It doesn’t say.” (IBM) When it comes to social media, even Boris Becker’s famous exclamation “I’m in” (AOL) is not enough anymore. Having only a social media presence is as useless as a website without traffic. Worse still: Trying to hide weaknesses is quickly recognized and brings down a company’s image. The Internet does not forget, and negative reviews have a long-lasting negative impact.
Yet it is relatively easy to get good reviews and replicate them by the millions. Companies have to accept only three basic facts: customers use social media on a daily basis, communication runs face-to-face, and it runs 24 hours a day. The era of one-way advertisement is over—actions are in! Social media means democracy in communication. Everyone can grade anyone, everyone can make his or her opinions known and constantly win followers. So far, few companies have taken advantage of the huge opportunity that social media means for marketing.
You can be one of the first who plays the virtual communications game like an expert and thus gains an advantage with your clients that is hard to beat. How? That’s what our Social Media Marketing seminar will teach you. Even if you are not an avid user of the Internet, you will be ecstatic when you find out about its possibilities. No one can ignore social media—so act on it!
Folgende Vorteile erwarten Sie
- You will gain a complete understanding of social media marketing
- Fact-based marketing knowledge will help you influence your company’s marketing strategies
- Using numerous real-life examples, you will learn the different functions within social media marketing
- A field-specific workshop enables you to recognize the peculiarities of social media marketing within your field so that you can react quickly and on-point to future market requirements
Das Seminar richtet sich an
- Future leaders and employees with social media marketing responsibilities
- Members of marketing departments
- Members of public relations departments
- Owners of small and medium-sized companies
- Web and social media fans
Methoden, Ablauf
We use a mix of methods to teach you the theoretical basics and examples of real-life experience. Your specific marketing situation will be addressed in group work. Analyzing past campaigns reveals relevant information and is used to show and reinforce what is being taught. Group discussions and exercises complete the training.
Das Seminar beinhaltet folgende Leistungen
Live vor Ort
- Two-day training, from 9:30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., including all training materials
- In-depth training manuals that discuss theory, recommendations, and further reading
- Flash drives with studies, tables, lists, e-books, and training manuals
- Inclusion in alumni database (contact, studies, cases, links)
- Breakfast, lunch, coffee, tea, refreshments, and snacks
- Hotel service (recommendations)
- Internet service (Wi-Fi, laptop lending, e-mails), optional
- Event service (events, restaurants, concerts), optional
Live online tagsüber
- Training von 09.30 bis 17.30 Uhr, inkl. der nötigen Arbeitsunterlagen
- Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, Empfehlungen und Literaturangaben
- Studien, Tabellen, Listen, E-Books, Skripte als Link zum Download
- Aufnahme in Alumnidatenbank (Kontakte, Studien, Cases, Links)
- Aufzeichnung des Seminars als Download
Live online abends
- Training von 18:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr, inkl. der nötigen Arbeitsunterlagen
- Umfangreiches Skript mit Theorieteil, Empfehlungen und Literaturangaben
- Studien, Tabellen, Listen, E-Books, Skripte als Link zum Download
- Aufnahme in Alumnidatenbank (Kontakte, Studien, Cases, Links)
- Aufzeichnung des Seminars als Download
Den Abschluss des Seminars bildet die Übergabe des Zertifikats der Münchener Marketing Akademie "Social Media Marketing".
Voraussetzung für die so dokumentierte erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Seminar sind Anwesenheit und aktive Mitarbeit, die Akkordierung durch die Referenten und der Qualifikations-Check anhand praktischer Fallbeispiele.
Mit einem Zertifikat der Münchener Marketing Akademie erhalten Sie nicht nur einen fachlich anerkannten Qualifizierungsnachweis, sondern auch ein Dokument, welches in der Praxis hohe Anerkennung und Reputation erfährt. Jeder unserer Dozenten und Trainer verfügt über die erforderlichen Bildungsabschlüsse und Befähigungsnachweise sowie zusätzliche Qualifikationen. Wir leisten mehr als das Übliche. Unsere Bildungseinrichtung ist Mitglied des MedienCampus Bayern e. V., dem von der Staatsregierung getragenen Dachverband für die Medienaus- und -fortbildung in Bayern. Unsere Bildungskonzepte sind durch die Mitarbeit in der ARGE ProEthik geprägt.
In Erfüllung der staatlichen Maßgaben und zum dezidierten Nachweises Ihrer erworbenen Qualifikation sind die Schwerpunkte des Bildungsinhaltes in den Zertifikaten der Münchener Marketing Akademie explizit ausgewiesen.
- Basics der digitalen Wirtschaft: Social Web, die Bedeutung von Social Media, Online-Marketing, globale Entwicklung, Deutschland, EU-Recht
- Ziele Social Media Marketing: Kundenbindung und Gewinnung neuer Zielgruppen, positive Markenaufladung, Steigerung der Reichweite
- Social Media Plattformen: Analyse und Anwendung: Facebook, X, Youtube, Xing, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram
- Social Media im Marketing-Mix: Strategische Integration, Abstimmung der Kanäle und Ressourcen, Umsetzungsplan, Social Media Governance
- Social Media Präferenzen: Erfolgstreiber, Benchmarks, Business and User generated Content
- Social Media Marketing-Kampagnen: Erarbeitung einer viralen Kampagne, Einbindung in Netzwerke, Crossmediales Bewerben, Erfolgsmessung
- Reputationsmanagement: agieren und reagieren nach Social Media Bedingungen
- Shitstorms: Entstehung, Bekämpfung, Vermeidung
- Perspektive Social Media Marketing
Unternehmensführer, Behördenleiter oder Personalchefs können anhand der der aufgeführten inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte Ihres Zertifikats sofort erkennen, dass Sie über die umfassende Kompetenz "Social Media Marketing" verfügen. Dazu kommt der vorzügliche Ruf, den die Zertifikate der Münchener Marketing Akademie in der Wirtschaft, bei Verbänden und Behörden genießen.